As you know, I’m a startup culture enthusiast. I study, breathe, and dream this stuff. A good friend of mine recently showed me how to use a tool he built (Infomous), it pulls and presents trending articles on any topic of interest. Naturally, I decided to apply the #startupculture angle to see if it beat Google News filtering the same topic. Below is the resulting word cloud – I wanted to share this with you, my fellow culture enthusiasts. The stories will auto-update as the culture develops. Enjoy!

About Corey McAveeney
Raising awareness around diversity and inclusion, initiating tough conversations, and building a culture of regular feedback is what I live for. As the founding member of Culture Amp’s New York office, I enjoy contributing to the culture of the growing NY team and supporting customers. I regularly speak, I've led startup culture event series, and write about workplace culture whenever the keyboard touches my fingers.